Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Relaunching the Brainy Brunch

As part of my overall strategy, I'm focusing on groups that supplement and complement Networking Group Online's purpose and vision. 

 Top 5 Reasons to Attend Our Online Zoom Meeting: Unlocking Opportunities from the Comfort of Your Screen!

🌐 Global Connectivity: Break down geographical barriers and connect with professionals, experts, and enthusiasts from around the world. Our online Zoom meeting transcends physical limitations, providing a unique opportunity to engage with a diverse and global audience.

🚀 Expert Insights: Gain invaluable insights from industry experts and thought leaders who will be sharing their knowledge and experiences. Our meeting is a hub of expertise, offering you a front-row seat to discussions that can elevate your understanding and enhance your skills.

💡 Interactive Learning: Immerse yourself in an interactive learning environment. Participate in live Q&A sessions, polls, and discussions that ensure you don't just passively consume information but actively engage with it. This is your chance to learn, ask questions, and contribute to the conversation.

🤝 Networking Opportunities: Don't miss out on the chance to expand your professional network. Connect with like-minded individuals, potential collaborators, and industry peers. Our Zoom meeting provides a platform for meaningful networking, allowing you to establish connections that can open doors to new opportunities.

🎓 Convenience and Flexibility: Attend from the comfort of your home or office, eliminating the need for travel and ensuring you can seamlessly integrate this valuable experience into your schedule. Our online format prioritizes your convenience without compromising on the quality of content and networking opportunities.

Don't miss the chance to be part of a dynamic and enriching online Zoom meeting. for the details follow the link below:

The Brainy Brunch 

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Transitioning (no not that lol)

 We are moving to a Word Press site, and this is one reason we haven't posted in a while. 

I will be blogging at our new site and will continue every Monday. 

Please visit:  New Site

On these posts, I will try to pour out my heart and serve my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, at the same time. 

Hopefully, some of the content hits home. We are not put on this earth to just exist as a cosmic accident. If this is your truth, I would love to offer you a better way of living. Not only that, since you are not a clump of cells but are a being created in the image of God and have an eternal destiny. Make sure that you know the right way to live, exist, and be. 

Monday, July 25, 2022

Your Office SOS

We are here to help solopreneurs get started in their business. However, once the business gets rolling, things begin to become too much for one person to handle. Unfortunately, the solopreneur is struggling working too much time in their business and not enough time on their business. Thus they begin to drown. They go under in the waves of details and begin to sink. They need to call for help. 

That's when Your Office SOS comes to the rescue. We bring a 100 years of experience to the rescue. We look at the client's workflow and find things we can do for them. We can take enough off their plate to give them time to get ahead of the competition. We also strive to free them so they can take a day off. No one can work a peak proficiency 24/7 365. 

So before you drown in a sea of stress, call Your Office SOS, and we'll turn your life from "crappy to happy."

Monday, July 18, 2022

Things Fall Apart

We live in an age of misunderstanding, distrust, and animosity. How are we going to get along with each other in the world if we have the same conflicts with our next-door neighbor?  

We are as divided as no time that I can ever remember. Politically and religious differences were always there. But in the 1950s, it seemed to start to unravel. First, by 1964, we had race riots and then anti-war protests. This chaos all seemed to culminate in 68 (hey, that rhymes; it could be a slogan) with the assassinations of Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. Then it blew up at the democratic convention. 

The summer of  69' took the heat of things for a while. Maybe the race to the moon and Woodstock unified us somewhat. That didn't last long. It seemed we settled down a little for the next 30 years: no significant upheavals and the like. Things were not smooth, but it wasn't quite the wild rollercoaster ride. The boomers were too preoccupied with growing up. 

Then 9/11 hit at the beginning of the new millennium. Again, the U.S. had a common enemy. They were the Dixie Chicks and Sadam Hussain. Even those two mentioned had nothing to do with the terrorist attacks (a good misdirection always quiets the masses). 

Lately, Trump has helped call attention to the great divide we formed. President Obama had little interest in uniting us; he only agitated the divide and used it to his advantage. He learned from the feat of his masters, Jeremiah Wright and Saul Alinsky. 

Now we are at polar opposites, and no compromise seems possible. The middle has eroded, and things are going to boil over. We can't agree on basics like what is a life, what is a person's sex, and what is a pandemic. 

I took the blog title from the novel Things Fall Apart One of Chinua Achebe's many achievements in his acclaimed first novel, Things Fall Apart, is his relentlessly unsentimental rendering of Nigerian tribal life before and after the coming of colonialism. First published in 1958, just two years before Nigeria declared independence from Great Britain, the book eschews the obvious temptation of depicting pre-colonial life as a kind of Eden. Instead, Achebe sketches a world in which violence, war, and suffering exist, but are balanced by a strong sense of tradition, ritual, and social coherence.

Come quickly, Lord Jesus! Revelation 22:20.

Monday, July 11, 2022

Live with intention.

Make an impact in the world. Don't sit back and wait until tomorrow. The time we live in is exciting and adventurous. Of course, it's scary, but put that in perspective, when has it not been a scarry time since the garden of Eden. 

There is no time to take action and make your mark like the present. Just do something, try, fail, or succeed, and you will be moving forward. Be proactive and live your life to its fullest. The Lord Jesus had a lot to say about the wise use of your talents and abilities. 

Make your time on this side of eternity count for something. Find your purpose and make it happen. I said purpose, not find your passion. Following passions is dangerous and transitory. Passion follows a good purpose. 

Monday, July 4, 2022

Independence Day 2022

 The price of freedom is costly. Whether it be freedom from sin, it cost God the death of His Son, the patriots to a man lost everything they had. If you want to be free of a boss and a J.O.B.(just over broke) you have to start your own business, it will cost you plenty, lack of security, risk, and many other challenges you have to pay for to be free. 

You can't say give me liberty or death and still want the government to be your nanny. You can't have it both ways; you can't have your cake and eat it too. 

There ain't no such thing as a free lunch; there ain't no such thing as government "entitlements." You are fooling yourself if you think free health care will not eventually be tied to bureaucrats in your business telling you what you can eat and drink, how much you can weigh, etc.

This fourth of July, declare independence and take a free stance whenever and wherever possible. 

Monday, June 27, 2022

The information super-highway

We are getting so much information coming at us rapidly; at what point will it be too fast and too much? Digesting information is like drinking from a fire hose. 

There is also the issue of trust. Do we trust the sources of the information we are getting? Is it biased? What is the agenda of the writer, blogger, news anchor, etc.?

 How are we to decide which is real and which is fake? I, for one, certainly don't want a government agency overseeing disinformation: it is Orwellian. 

Censors on social media have already exposed their biases. A faceless panel can regulate content, and that is dystopian.

Maybe we need to think for ourselves. 

Relaunching the Brainy Brunch

As part of my overall strategy, I'm focusing on groups that supplement and complement Networking Group Online's purpose and vision. ...