Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Retirement or at least semi-retirment

I am exiting the formally structured work force. I am semi-retiring  as of July 28. This will wrap up 48 years in the full-time workforce. I am going to start several smaller scale ventures.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Looking for a partner.

I have had this dream about business social networking for over 20 years. I started out before Linkedin and Facebook. Back in the day, there were "chat rooms," and they were over-run with MLMer's and porn purveyors. I wanted a place to connect and network in a professional manner So I started Networking Group Online. Unforntuatlyat the time my partners and I got all caught up in the tech boom of the late 90's and chased other projects and left NGO to flounder.

I now think Linkedin is getting old and stale and the opportunity exists to try this again.

Ideally I would like to create something like "Second Life," for business people.

If you are interested, contact me and let's get started.

Transitioning (no not that lol)

 We are moving to a Word Press site, and this is one reason we haven't posted in a while.  I will be blogging at our new site and will c...