Monday, August 31, 2020

Work life balance

 Are you drowning in the details if your business? You got in business because you love "whatever." You want to work on your business, not in your business. 

You start finding your day is consumed by prospecting, answering emails, planning your schedule, preparing that PowerPoint presentation, etc. No time to post to social media. No time to follow up on those proposals. Phone calls are not being returned. 


Pretty soon, you no longer have a business because you drowned in the details. Your health is declining. The kids are feeling neglected. Now, the wife is ready to leave. All because you couldn't turn loose of the details you didn't need to be doing anyway. 

We can free you to do what you do best: we take care of the rest. SO before you drown in a sea of stress, call Your Office SOS.  We will turn your life from crappy to happy.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Why hire us as your Virtual Office?

 At the end of the day, when you get ready for bed and reflect on how your day went, do you say, "I didn't do anything to move my business forward."

You stay awake thinking that all you did was tread water, and even at that every day, the water gets closer to drowning you. 

You fall back asleep then wake up in the middle of the night panicked because that client didn't get called back. You suddenly realized his bill never went out. Then you start to sweat because you remember you missed some critical meetings. 

You toss and turn, and then it occurs to you that the proposal you meant to mail is on your nightstand. The proposal is under a stack of invoices you forgot to pay. Of course, money isn't coming in because you have no time to prospect for new business. 

Your spouse then wakes up and starts complaining about the fact you haven't spent any time with the family. You know you are missing your children growing up, and you will never get that chance again.

You may have just gotten back to sleep. You try to pray when you suddenly realize you haven't been to church or spent any time with God or His Word. Yikes! 

You reach over on your nightstand, and it hits you; there is a bottle of pills to reduce stress. There is a glass of wine to help you sleep because you drank too much coffee during the day trying to focus. 

There is a better way. We at Your Office SOS let you do what you do best, and we handle the rest. We give you back those precious unrenewable resources; your life and your time. 

Before you drown in a sea of stress, call Your Office SOS. We turn your life form crappy to happy. 

Monday, August 17, 2020

Your Office SOS to the rescue!

 My wife and I started our company, Your Office SOS. SOS stands for supported outsourced services. We are Virtual Assistants that take the place of having a physical office and staff. 

Our ideal client is that solopreneur or entrepreneur. They have launched their business. Now finding they are working in their business instead of on their business. 

Maybe when they were first starting, they could rent a coworking space and get the details accomplished. When there was time left, then they could focus on the revenue-generating aspect of the business. 

At a certain point, they are working so hard to stay afloat trying to get it all done; they soon start to go under the waves of details. At that point comes Your Office SOS to the rescue. We will rescue you from the non-revenue producing work and focus on what they do best. 

We can handle the sales, marketing, and business development to make you profitable. We also can manage the administrative services such as scheduling, organizing, and customer care. 

We free you to do what you do best, and we take care of the rest. 

Monday, August 10, 2020

To mask or not to mask: that is the question.

 I am genuinely intrigued by the controversy over mask-wearing in public during the current Covid-19 crisis. I am observing that its one issue that transcends political partisanism. 

As a conservative Christian, we tend not to trust in medicine or science when it touches politics. Those disciplines seem to align themselves with particular worldviews that skew their objectivity. We especially don't believe global organizations that reflect globalist agendas. We tend to be rugged individualists and Constitutionalists. 

Progressives and liberals tend to be more collectivist and generally see the collective good outweighs individual rights in most areas. They see science as more valid than any other institution. 

Which brings us to the issue at hand, to mask or not to mask. 

I can usually tell whether a person is progressive or conservative by any number of political issues. There is no middle ground anymore. 

However, this mask issue has me confused. There are people on both sides that see different reasons to wear or not wear a mask. 

The pro-mask seems to think that we are responsible for the populace at large to wear a mask to prevent the spread of the disease. The mask is to prevent you from spreading the virus but is of little or no effect in preventing you from getting the infection. They see the mask as your duty to the public. 

The anti-mask folks seem to think that there is no real scientific consensus as to the effectiveness of the mask. Therefore it becomes a visible sign of acquiescing to government tyranny and infringes on individual rights. It is a sign of weakness and cowardice. They think if you are afraid stay at home. 

I fall somewhere in the middle of this, but I would love to hear your comments.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Flee from the destruction coming.

I am going to rant a lot in this post. America is not perfect. No country is. Fallen people populate the planet. Every country has its own challenges and issues. 

We are the greatest and best of what free people with self-rule can achieve. Now we are at the breaking point. We are being torn apart by those who hate themselves and hate everything virtuous. God will not stand by for long. He has been restraining evil. But it looks like he is lifting his restraint. 

The Man of Lawlessness

1 Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters, 

2 not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us—whether by a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter—asserting that the day of the Lord has already come. 

3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 

4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.

You must choose sides and quicky. Look around I am not a gloom and doom type of person. I am just being real. I want you to accept the salvation offered by Jesus Christ.

  1. Admit (to God, & Yourself!) that you are a sinner.
  2. Confess that Jesus is Lord.
  3. Repent (change your mind about sin). 
  4. Be baptized as an outward sign of your inward commitment.
  5. Live for Christ; follow Him.

Get yourself connected with a group of strong Bible-believing Christians. Hear God's revelation to you, in His Word, the Bible. 


A discovery call is a crucial opportunity to understand your client’s challenges, identify weak spots, and uncover potential time-wasters in...