Monday, April 26, 2021

Lets become the change agent

 As we can see all around us that division and turmoil are all getting worse, not better, with our advancement in technology. 

But that first sentence is a relative statement. Throughout human history, there have been divisions, wars, rebellions, and very little peace. So, why would I say things are getting worse? Because with the information age's greatest advancements it has brought unintended consequences. That is why are suffering from a widening division. 

When tuning into media we can't find any neutral venues. There seem to be no more objective places to look for an unbiased place to gather information.

Then we get on social media chat and we end up into an even more narrow funnel. We unfriend, block, and delete everyone who doesn't think like us. So we end up fomenting confirmation bias. With the AI on the search engines, we see all the products we like and all the news we agree with, and we surmise that that is because they must be the norm for everyone. When some who has different algorithms sees differently, we conclude that person is different, weird, vile, and many other things, because they don't like the right, "brand of toothpaste."

The education system no longer wants us to think in terms of good and evil. This produces people who fill pulpits, journalists, entertainers, CEOs, and athletes. One must think in the world of moral relativism. So society further moves to the binary my way or the highway on both sides. 

It has become a search for conformity to individualistic truth rather than trying to find universal truth. Because it is the modern mantra that the search for truth is Quixotic or delusional. 

Being a change agent is being salt and light in a time so badly fractured. Salt preserves and light reveals. 

As John Stott says, “If we want to live straight, we have to think straight. If we want to think straight, we have to have renewed minds.” This is not an academic exercise. It is the essence of Christian discipleship. It is an essential part of the ongoing, lifelong process of sanctification. It is necessary if we are to be “salt and light” in the world (Matthew 5:13–16). For believers, there is nothing more important than the integrity of living according to God’s revealed truth.

Monday, April 19, 2021

On the eve of destruction

 These times are the saddest moments in the history of the United States. 

When Barry McGuire wrote the song  "Eve of Destruction" in 1965 he thought things were bad then, well things took a turn for the worse. 

We are extremely divided by the lock-down, social issues, racial issues. political issues, and many others. 

There are those whose sole purpose on this earth is to make this divide and profit from it. 

We can learn from the Lord Jesus Christ, " Blessed are the peacemakers..."

Monday, April 12, 2021

Point of no return

 Have we reached a point of no return when it comes to government overreach due to the pandemic? I think we have given away too much of our freedom. The saddest part of the story is after all this capitulation, we are still no safer. 

It is sad to see that Patrick Henry's famous quote, "Give me liberty or give me death," has been inversed in most of our country now. 

Yesterday Canada locked down a church and took away the right to gather. Yet in Minneapolis, rioters didn't social distance while they loot, all the while hating the very authority that keeps them safe. Even if every police shooting was unjustified, they are so rare and contained given the number of interactions police engage in every day. Meanwhile, the lack of policing in these cities has caused the murder rates to explode exponentially. 

Abortion and murder are not the concern about those who, in the name of safety, are not part of their game plan to keep us safe. Is safety and protecting life at the heart of the issue, or is it just about control?

Monday, April 5, 2021

The Mask of Oppression

 I don't intend to argue about the effectiveness of masks to prevent the spread of Covid. I am convinced that nobody really has the absolute true answer.  

I hate it when folks see it as a sign of complete blind submission. Those folks would say the unmasked are impervious to the spread of Covid and are selfishly putting others at risk. They just don't have the facts on their side. Media and politicians only have the opinion of so-called medical experts who constantly contradict each other.  These experts also contradict their own prior beliefs and statements. 

First of all, if any private business feels it's their prerogative to mandate mask-wearing to enter their enterprises, then it's a free choice they make.

As for me, I believe that there is more to meet this plandemic than we will ever find out. Now the fake media is making noise that there is a new strain coming that will cause a new wave of lockdowns and draconian measures. God helps us. 


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