As we can see all around us that division and turmoil are all getting worse, not better, with our advancement in technology.
But that first sentence is a relative statement. Throughout human history, there have been divisions, wars, rebellions, and very little peace. So, why would I say things are getting worse? Because with the information age's greatest advancements it has brought unintended consequences. That is why are suffering from a widening division.
When tuning into media we can't find any neutral venues. There seem to be no more objective places to look for an unbiased place to gather information.
Then we get on social media chat and we end up into an even more narrow funnel. We unfriend, block, and delete everyone who doesn't think like us. So we end up fomenting confirmation bias. With the AI on the search engines, we see all the products we like and all the news we agree with, and we surmise that that is because they must be the norm for everyone. When some who has different algorithms sees differently, we conclude that person is different, weird, vile, and many other things, because they don't like the right, "brand of toothpaste."
The education system no longer wants us to think in terms of good and evil. This produces people who fill pulpits, journalists, entertainers, CEOs, and athletes. One must think in the world of moral relativism. So society further moves to the binary my way or the highway on both sides.
It has become a search for conformity to individualistic truth rather than trying to find universal truth. Because it is the modern mantra that the search for truth is Quixotic or delusional.
Being a change agent is being salt and light in a time so badly fractured. Salt preserves and light reveals.