As technology advances at an ever-increasing rate, our human ability to keep pace is going to diminish. We can only go so fast. The learning curve has its breaking point.
I am a product of the information age. I have been in and around I.T. since the mid 80's when personal computing was in its infancy. As the cycle of doubling computing speed (Moore's Law) increased, our use of technology followed the same trajectory.
I experience this personally now because in our business, we have to be constantly learning and using as many apps, programs, and software to be able to service our variety of clients.
The "internet of things" and now "artificial intelligence" are causing the human brain to absorb things at a rate where the emotional and psychological ability to process and keep are stretched; at what point do we snap?
I do know that we need to "unplug" and "unhitch" from technology for some time periods each week. The brain is not functioning at its peak processing power running 24/7.
That's where we at Your Office SOS come in. We can free time on your schedule to help you relax and rejuvenate.