Monday, February 28, 2022

Tech overload

 As technology advances at an ever-increasing rate, our human ability to keep pace is going to diminish. We can only go so fast. The learning curve has its breaking point. 

I am a product of the information age. I have been in and around I.T. since the mid 80's when personal computing was in its infancy. As the cycle of doubling computing speed (Moore's Law) increased, our use of technology followed the same trajectory. 

I experience this personally now because in our business, we have to be constantly learning and using as many apps, programs, and software to be able to service our variety of clients. 

The "internet of things" and now "artificial intelligence" are causing the human brain to absorb things at a rate where the emotional and psychological ability to process and keep are stretched; at what point do we snap?

I do know that we need to "unplug" and "unhitch" from technology for some time periods each week. The brain is not functioning at its peak processing power running 24/7.

That's where we at Your Office SOS come in. We can free time on your schedule to help you relax and rejuvenate. 

Monday, February 21, 2022

Presidents Day 2022

 The office of the President of the United States has the most polarizing effect on our country. But, of course, it was always so, I guess, but not to the extent it has been lately.

I don't think a president has sustained popularity in my lifetime except for maybe DDE-Ike.

I have lived in the instant communication age. The lack of a maintained overwhelming approval rating may be because of the instant media. 

John Kennedy's approval was sagging; that's why he was in Dallas. LBJ didn't seek a second term because of his handling of the  Vietnam war.

Nixon even further damaged the office. 

Ford made Chevy Chase's career on SNL. Carter was in over his head. Reagan had an excellent first term. Then, the Berlin Wall fell at his political peak, and his age and the by now biased media hastened his decline.

Bush 41's lip-reading statement doomed him. Clinton was in trouble with the handling of Waco; he bounced back after the 94 GOP take-over, where he triangulated and mobed to the center. He went out in the most demeaning way a president should act in the White House.  

Bush 43 "W" rallied America around 9/11 but lost sight of the true enemy and then left a weakened collapsing economy.

Obama, our first black President, ran as an "uniter, not divider." Still, it took a controversial health care plan and polarizing handling of a racially charged shooting to make the divide so deep as to be unrepairable. 

Trump used the fissure to energize his base. He was politically savvy enough to out politician the politicians. But, unfortunately, he was primarily undone in part by the Chinese Plandemic and Hollywood.

We are now in the hands of a President who one a disputed election. Unless your the media, in which case, "nothing to see here."  Joe "let's go, Brandon," Biden is striking similar to the man behind the curtain in the wizard of Oz. 

We are now so polarized we are on the brink of a cold civil war. So grab a box of popcorn and see how this fiasco plays out.

Joe may be the last of the Presidents. 

Monday, February 14, 2022

Sell crazy someplace else

This blog title comes from a line Jack Nicholson's character utters in the movie As Good as it Gets. 

We live in a world where the insane are now running the asylum. 

I will not get into the political idiocy that abounds in the world today. But, of course, politicians in most countries are representatives of the people. There is a saying that "every" country has the government they deserve. If one lives in an evil dictatorship, the citizenry is complacent unless they rebel and overthrow the despot. 

The absolute insanity of the so-called self-appointed and politician endorsed medical experts on the plandemic, and its cures and prevention are just as crazy as the environmental wacko so-called scientists and their goofy scenarios. 

The mega-church and the media-church are, for the most part, more unhinged and insane than the world. 

When we turn our back on the truth of God as revealed in His Word, this is what we get: "Therefore God sends them a strong delusion so that they may believe what is false," 2 Thessalonians 2:11. 

Monday, February 7, 2022

Communication Breakdown

"What we've got here is failure to communicate" is a quote from the movie Cool Hand Luke. It applies to our society today as almost a general rule. 

There may be many reasons for this, but I lay most of it on the doorstep of the public education system. Media addiction doesn't help either. Texting and posting are also culprits. 

Whatever the cause is, we live in a time where civil and honest communication fails. 


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