Monday, June 24, 2019

Blogging our next moves

I've been trying to faithfully blog every Monday. I have been fairly consistent even though we have been traveling back and forth to Kansas City. taking care of business. Hey, we are virtual and have been able to accomplish a lot of things on our road trips. Just getting my head clear to blog was the hardest part. I have been preoccupied because we have bought a house and prepared ours to sell.
So many decisions made it distracting to my effort to maintain a blog. Its all been a great learning experience.

Our main focus when we bought our new house was space for our offices. We found the perfect house for that, We should be in great shape once we get settled in around August 1, Lord willing.

Monday, June 17, 2019

The reason why we are virtual

We are physically moving from Arlington,Texas to the KCMO suburbs. We anticipated that we wanted the flexibility to move around. What's great about KCMO is that is almost dead center in America and  the fastest internet speeds in the country.

Our Your Office SOS is going to have a great new workspace to provide the best VA services around.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Say what you mean

This annoying little pet peeve of mine raised its ugly head a few times this week. That peeve is when people want to qualify or introduce what they are about to say with phrases like; " I know this is going to sound....." or " I hate to say....". Then usually they proceed right away and do the very thing they said in the preceding statement.

Another twist is, "I don't mean to..." and you know darn good and well that is what they meant to say.

I don't mean to sound peeved, Yes I do. Stop it before I get infected.


A discovery call is a crucial opportunity to understand your client’s challenges, identify weak spots, and uncover potential time-wasters in...