Monday, November 15, 2021

Online credibility

 How can one acquire any degree of credibility in the digital space? There is so much noise and chatter online that it's hard to discern who is telling the truth. It's hard enough to read folks when you are face to face. 

I am involved in many online networking meetings, and they are getting to the point when I am tuning out because of all the claims and counterclaims folks have about their products and services. However, in physical meetings, sometimes it's more straightforward to spot the hucksters and liars.  Looking into someone's eyes with a ring light reflection in their eyes throws you off. 

In online meetings, it's next to impossible to read body language because of the physical restraints of sitting in front of a camera. As a result, you miss many clues that you can pick up or sense when you are physically in front of the person.

So until we can figure out a way to digitally discern, we will be even more prone to credibility issues. 

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