Monday, June 27, 2022

The information super-highway

We are getting so much information coming at us rapidly; at what point will it be too fast and too much? Digesting information is like drinking from a fire hose. 

There is also the issue of trust. Do we trust the sources of the information we are getting? Is it biased? What is the agenda of the writer, blogger, news anchor, etc.?

 How are we to decide which is real and which is fake? I, for one, certainly don't want a government agency overseeing disinformation: it is Orwellian. 

Censors on social media have already exposed their biases. A faceless panel can regulate content, and that is dystopian.

Maybe we need to think for ourselves. 

Monday, June 20, 2022

Uncertain Times

We think we are living in uncertain times. We are not. All times in human history since the fall of man have been uncertain. They all had their challenges, and we are here at this point in history by divine appointment. 

Acts 17:26  ESV

And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place,

So buckle up, buttercup, and get ready for the ride. 

Monday, June 6, 2022

When the crossover is detrimental.

I have been a devotee of self-improvement/motivational/self-improvement books and material all my adult life. I am a constant learner and wholly believe in physical and mental self-care and improvement. However, I also know that our spiritual life is the essential discipline. 

These studies and disciplines bleed into each other. Man is a three-part being: body, soul, and spirit. So as unified as one is, these areas of life's studies seem to segment and compartmentalize. We should have a time for each. 

My problem is when religion and the other areas overlap. Like Yoga at the gym. Like self-improvement from the pulpit. The bible teaches lessons in all areas of life. But there is a difference in the focus. The messages sometimes bleed over, but sometimes they get deluded when they cross over. 


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