Monday, March 11, 2019

Occam's razor and the Dollar Shave Club

Occam’s razor can be summarized as such:

Among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected.

In simpler language, Occam’s razor states that the simplest solution is correct. Another good explanation of Occam’s razor comes from the paranormal writer, William J. Hall: ‘Occam’s razor is summarized for our purposes in this way: Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof.’

Well, let's look at the Dollar Shave Club concept. First of all, it was a concept to promote less expensive razors. Well, the "Dollar" word was the first sign that one should apply Occam's razor, (pun very much intended). Did it cost only a dollar? Can you get more dollars worth of shaves from a cheaper blade? The answer is irrelevant. The company sold for a billion dollars.

Dollar Shave Club Sells to Unilever for $1 Billion

Why because we think logically and buy emotionally. The commercials were great:

So, in an age where facts don't matter from Donald Trump to Alexandra Ocasio Cortez, it's not what you claim; its how you pitch it that counts. That is of course until logic and Occam are allowed in.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Holidays or Hollow Days you choose

When you work independently you need to have self-discipline. I mean you must be your own tough boss. One must possess the self-awareness that it takes to stay on task and get things accomplished, whatever goals and tasks are on your daily activities calendar. Especially when you work from home. You must treat it as an office environment. Personally, I have to shave, shower, and dress as if I were going to an off-site office. 

One of the ways to stay on task is to reward yourself for good behavior. I personally don't like to use food as a reward because it can trigger bad eating habits and associated negative patterns. I like to reward by having a holiday or partial holiday if I complete tasks ahead of schedule. I'll take some time and have some fun. But one must be careful not to take days off because you get distracted and end up wasting the whole day and getting nothing of substance accomplished. I call these "hollow days". Too many hollow days and you can waste life's most precious commodity; time!

I recommend an accountability partner and a daily planner. Go over your tasks and goals daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.  Don't squander your most precious resource; time. 


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