Monday, December 30, 2019

2020 Vision

I would venture to guess this will be the most used meme for the upcoming year. It does make sense because 2020 is good eyesight, it stands for good vision. 

Alright then was is the vision for 2020 and beyond. Well, at Your Office SOS, we are going to go big game hunting. We are targeting the "high flying" client who needs professional, seasoned,  and outstanding virtual assistant help.

We will go where the go. That includes networking events, social media, and other places our avatar hangs out.

We are going to make someone's "2020", the "Roaring Twenties" and rock the next decade.

Monday, December 23, 2019

God bless us, every one!

I started with the title from the famous line in Dickens' "Christmas Carol," uttered by Tiny Tim. I watch as many versions of the Christmas Carol as I can find, its a tradition. I also must watch "It's a Wonderful Life" and "Miracle On 34th Steet.

What theme they all have in common is that the main point of one's life is to live in the view that being a person who lives for the greater good is better than selfish pursuit. Rember if Macy's didn't have the toy send them to Gimbles. The richest man in town is the one who has friends. Of course, no one wants Marey's chains.

My point is that at this time of year, its always good to reflect on what you give back and not what you receive.

Spoiler alert; Kevin saves the house both times, Cousin Eddy saves Clark, and Ralphie doesn't shoot his eye out.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Launching your business

I once worked at a place where the guy who started the business was a convicted child molester. Of course, none of us knew that at the time. It became apparent something was amiss, and one-by-one, we all jumped ship. But the point I got was he was highly motivated to create a business that would get him out of the country.

I have worked many different jobs where entrepreneurs had great ideas and where highly motivated to start a business, and then ran it into the ground.

I liken the start-up cycle like a rocket ship to outer space. It takes a big thrust to get it free of the earth's gravity pull. But that booster must be jettisoned because it doesn't have the control needed to hit its target. So the founder/creator needs to get out of the way and let the different stages do their job. But too often they can't turn loose of their baby, and it wildly goes out of control until it burns out of fuel. You get where I am going with this analogy.

So hire Your Office SOS and
we'll help at any stage of your business.

#business #virtualadministrator #virtualadmin #entrepreneurs #hireVA

Monday, December 9, 2019

Hanging around God's waiting room

We have been spending quite a few hours with our elderly parents in assisted living. Just being around them and all the other folks living out their last years has caused us to become introspective and contemplate what it means to have a life well spent.

I believe every high school class should visit these facilities before graduation to get a first-hand look at the seriousness of life and ramifications of choices.

Some folks are bitter and lonely. Some are frail buy have friends and family all the time. Who knows what the circumstances were, but one thing is for certain, and that is, we all have limited time on this earth. Chose wisely for the days go by quicker than you might imagine.

That's why we started Your Office SOS. We want to give back and help someone regain their life and time because they can get crushed under the waves of the details of their business. We come to the rescue with one-hundred years of experience.

#lifewelllived #livingpuposefully #purposedrivenlife #virtualadministrationservices

Monday, December 2, 2019

Some recommended reading

I took the time over the last holiday week to catch up on my reading. I read a couple of new books and re-read some older ones.

I liked Scott Adam's book. "Loserthiink." It reminded me a little of the book, "You're Not So Smart" by David McRaney. Loserthink was about how to escape the mental boxes and traps that invade our way of thinking. Scott offers a great deal of sound advice on how to train your brain. He knows a great deal about the subject. If you follow his famous comic strip Dilbert, you already know he's quite funny in getting his story told as well. I disagree with Adams on some of his hypothesizes, but overall, its a must-read for all those not wanting to get caught up in the tacts the media and society use to corrupt your thinking processes.

I re-read "Influence" by Robert B. Cialdini. Adams recommended it as one of his musts reads in his book. I don't need to say much more than if you want to be awsome with your people skills: devour this book.

I didn't re-read it, but another book along the lines of is a book I reviewed in an earlier blog, "the Art of Thinking Clearly" by Rolf Dobelli. I have the app on my phone that helps remind me of clear thinking techniques and strategies for certain situations.

Let me know what you think would be good books to add to the titles, as mentioned earlier.

Some Scott Adams links:


A discovery call is a crucial opportunity to understand your client’s challenges, identify weak spots, and uncover potential time-wasters in...