I once worked at a place where the guy who started the business was a convicted child molester. Of course, none of us knew that at the time. It became apparent something was amiss, and one-by-one, we all jumped ship. But the point I got was he was highly motivated to create a business that would get him out of the country.
I have worked many different jobs where entrepreneurs had great ideas and where highly motivated to start a business, and then ran it into the ground.
I liken the start-up cycle like a rocket ship to outer space. It takes a big thrust to get it free of the earth's gravity pull. But that booster must be jettisoned because it doesn't have the control needed to hit its target. So the founder/creator needs to get out of the way and let the different stages do their job. But too often they can't turn loose of their baby, and it wildly goes out of control until it burns out of fuel. You get where I am going with this analogy.

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