Monday, January 20, 2020

Being in the now

Some use the term "mindfulness," but I prefer the term "being in the now." Training yourself to concentrate on the very thing or things in front of you or tasks at hand. For me, it is hard because my mind and attention span have never been very controlled. I was always focused on the next shiny thing. When I was in school, I sure they would have labeled me ADHD had they know about that back then.  But now well into the last quarter of my life, I can say it hasn't gotten a whole lot better.

So each day, I've developed routines and systems that force me to stay in the now. One thing though that has rewired our brains is smartphones. That makes all of us distracted and takes away from the now. I have been working on cutting back on that addiction.

Not that I am winning the battle of being in the now, but at least I am fighting it.

I would love your thoughts and suggestions of how you stay in the now.

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