Monday, May 11, 2020

Learning and growing

I am in love with learning. It grew out of my never having gone to college. I started making money out of high school and never felt the need. Once I hit my mid-twenties, I decided maybe I should get a degree just for the paper. I tried this for a year, but family obligations being what they were, it was back to making a living full-time.

I started to become a verrucous reader. I was only interested in business. I read every self-help book I could. I took courses and seminars. Then at the advent of the internet, I utilized its learning channels to the full extent of what I could get my brain around.

I went back to formal education in my late 40's because I ran our I.T. Department. I took hardware and software courses that ran the gambit. Because right around Y2K, the I.T. department did all things "computer-related. 

I can safely say my continuing educational experience is my life-blood. I am continually looking to develop new skills and create a talent stack.

I can only say my need to make up for lack of a college education motivated me much more than I ever would have been if I had a piece of paper.

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