Monday, May 18, 2020

OK Boomer

The expression, "OK Boomer, triggers me." I get some of the gist of the younger generations angst. We Boomers messed up a lot. We raised the "snowflakes" now, and I just triggered them.

But if what there saying is our values are out of touch and antiquated, that is the same complaint every generation had until they grew up. We all felt that way until we learned that the elders had acquired wisdom. Of course, we "Boomers" had parents and grandparents who went through two world wars and the Great Depression. We never thought of disrespecting them, Some radical. 60's types said, "Never trust anyone over 30." But of course, this was the nut job element.

We are doomed if we don't learn the lessons of the previous generation. We already see a generation who doesn't get that socialism doesn't work.

Just dismiss me and say, "OK BOOMER!"

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