Monday, March 29, 2021

Virtual networking burnout

 I'm beginning to suffer from networking burnout. I have been networking in person and virtually at various groups for about two and half years—the last year almost exclusively virtual because of the looney-lockdown. 

After hundreds of meetings and a box full of business cards, I feel I know many folks. I have made several friends and new acquaintances. I keep up with the folks I made a special personal connection with on social media. I also have many Linkedin business friends and contacts that I have made.

With all the hours spent in networking events and all the one-on-one's in follow-up, I have seen very little progress in actual business acquisition. I know all this takes time and investment in follow-up and consistent contact. But, I am beginning to think that it's not the best way to prospect for business. 

I have done everything the right way and have perfected my 30-second pitch, have a good report and demeanor. I know people buy from those they know, like, and trust, so I work on likability and gaining trust. The golden rule and helping others has been my focus.

Somehow I am now feeling burnout. I hit a wall and am seeing all this as just spinning wheels. Nothing tangible is happening. I am open to suggestions and would value the help of any successful networkers.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Being right and wrong at the same time

 Sometimes I am right to the point of being wrong. My pastor and my wife have admonished me in the last week of coming off as overbearing and maybe bullying and belligerent. 

I get so opinionated that sometimes my exuberance takes over reason and tact. Of course, I believe my opinions are right. If I didn't believe in them and still held them, I would be a delusional liar or a psychopath. Nowadays, when people don't believe in any objective truth, there is a third option. What is right for me is my truth, and who are you to tell me otherwise. This is nonsense.

I am so aware of the different dangers of informing options. I love Scott Adams's book on the subject: Loserthink. Loserthink: How Untrained Brains Are Ruining America.

We can suffer from confirmation bias and so many other epistemological fallacy's we can sometimes doubt our own cognitive reasoning powers. 

At the end of the day, I can only conclude that the Christian Scriptures, the 66 books of the cannon, is God's infallible, sufficient Word. Jesus told us you would know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 

My prayer is that I reign in my passion and zeal for the truth with understanding and empathy. 

Monday, March 15, 2021

Tornado Shelter

We had a tornado warning here in the KCMO area today. One touched down a few miles from our house and we were directly in the path where the storm was tracking.

We have a sub-basement and were prepared to shelter there. We were ready to walk down the steps if the funnel came down on us. 

This all got me to think. We have storm warnings all around us in a different sense. Are we going to hold up in our basement or go out in the highways and byways and warn of the destruction to come? We are to warn our fellow beings that Jesus is coming and that they better have a safe haven in the arms of a loving Savior instead of being in the path of an angry God whose anger burns against all sin and sinners. The only way to abate His wrath is to place your faith and trust in Jesus Christ and His righteousness. His atoning sacrifice and propitiation of the penalty of sin will justify you before God. 

Find your shelter; the warning sirens are going off everywhere. 

Monday, March 8, 2021

Give a Moose a Muffin

 Nowadays, it seems to me advocacy and special interest groups can't seem to stop themselves. They got what they wanted, but since they're in business to promote an agenda once the goal is reached, achieved, or accomplished, they don't seem to want to stop. Of course, that would put that group out of business or at least make them irrelevant.

It reminds me of that classic children's book "Give a moose a Muffin." The premise is that: If a big hungry moose comes to visit, you might give him a muffin to make him feel at home. If you give him a muffin, he'll want some jam to go with it. When he's eaten all your muffins, he'll want to go to the store to get some more muffin mix...

Remind you of any group? Yes, these groups can't be satisfied or satiated—momentum, greed, self-interest, and hunger for more take on a life of their own. 

Ok, they say there is more work to be done. We were only getting started. Really is that the mission statement or an addendum to it. Never enough is our motto, they say. Once we're here, keep feeding us till we go away. 

I remember when Animal Rights groups first got started, it was exotic furs the targeted because most folks didn't own them or care that the upper class was being targeted because everyone hates and envy's those that have more than you do, don't you know. 

Then PETA was formed, and it became the prime example of what I am talking about. Furs, leather, meat, eggs....and on and on. Give a moose a muffin.

MADD Mothers Against Drunk Driving is another fine example. Now, who can argue for drunk driving? But they keep upping the game blood alcohol 10.0, 7.0, 5.0, and now no drinking whatsoever: one beer and you are busted. If one beer impairs you, you need to become a Mormon or Shiite Baptist. 

Anti-gun lobbies, LBGTQ, gender equality, CRT... don't get me started. It's not a slippery slope until we lose our Constitutional rights it is a downhill bobsled ride. Give a moose a muffin.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. 

Stop before we lose all freedoms. 

Monday, March 1, 2021

Do I get a month?

 We no sooner ended Black History month, and now it's Women's History Month. We have Pride month etc., here is a partial list.

  • African American History Month (February) ...
  • American Indian Heritage Month (November) ...
  • Asian Pacific Heritage Month (May) ...
  • Irish-American Heritage Month (March) ...
  • Jewish American Heritage Month (May) ...

Here is another list of months:

I am sure there are more. Let's make history all about people who need their identity affirmed. I am sure just reading history isn't enough because it's all lies and propaganda. Tear down the statues so no one sees reminders of the past. 

We need a politically correct form of history and diversity written by those in newthink. So, we can be told what to think, not how to think.

Dystopia is here now!


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