Monday, January 31, 2022

Cold Civil War

We are in the midst of a cold civil war in this country right now. Maybe just not our country either. Canada, Germany, France, England, and several other countries are battling internal conflict.

I believe the "plandemic" has been the triggering flashpoint or the gasoline on an already smoldering fire. There is a sharp divide among people and very little middle ground. The common denominator we share has shrunk to unrecognizable proportions. 

Social media, traditional media, and political opportunists, to name a few, have exacerbated and exploited the situation. Divide and conquer is the enemies' tactic. But, unfortunately, we Christians know who that enemy is.

Nevertheless, we all take the bait and begin hating our neighbors from time to time instead of loving them. The glue of any society has traditionally been religion. But with few exceptions, humanism has destroyed the mortar that held the bricks of a culture together. 

In rebuilding the modern tower of Babel, we have been the victim not of a confounded language but of a technology-based confusion of language. Cancel culture, gaslighting, and over moderating social media have created Orwellian "newspeak."

Before the shooting starts, we need to find a middle ground or bring on Armageddon. 

Monday, January 24, 2022

Too much technology.

I know you want to call me an old geezer. Well, it's not quite the case. But I always have embraced technology. I have been around and working with I.T. since the mid-'80s. I watched it evolve, and I have been there every step of the way.

But with A.I. and all the ever-ongoing changes and advancements, I wonder if we can keep up with it all. Will technology outpace the general population's ability to keep pace?

Even now, it seems like, with the plethora of new programs and apps, I am learning new ones on a daily basis just to try and keep up. When will technology hit human overload?

Monday, January 17, 2022

The Mundays (Mondays).

 In the movie Office Space, they made jokes about the expression "A case of the Mundays (Mondays)."  The term was going around in the '90s when people had to return to the workplace, and on the first day back, you were not happy to be there, and you had a whole week to go before the weekend.

Mondays became synonymous with the blues. Well, I got up today with a case of the "Mondays." What's really weird is that I am semi-retired, so Mondays have no real meaning in the calendar anymore. But my internal biological clock is still counting Mondays as the first day back to the humdrum. 

So I fought semi-depression all day; after four and a half years of retirement from the workplace, I still got a case of the "Mundays." 

Monday, January 10, 2022

Where are we headed?

Where are we headed? The decline in confidence in the media and government has caused us to have a big credibility gap. The gap exists between the lies, spin, and propaganda put out by the cabal. The cabal is where the politicians, big tech, corporations, the media elites all have an inbred relationship. They all were trained in the schools of public indoctrination. 

There are few deviants from public orthodoxy. Don't look to the church. Instead of having a prophetic vision being the conscience of the people the church for the most part has sold its soul to the devil.  Very few churches are operating as God's protection against the eternal liar Satan. Many churches now are reading from Satan's script. 

When are we going to wake up? I don't mean get "woke". 

Monday, January 3, 2022

New Years resolutions

 In my journey on this planet now going on seventy-plus years, I have found that News Year's resolutions are an exercise in futility. At least it's been my experience, and also, the same holds true for a vast majority of the people I have been acquainted with.

Generally, the resolutions are:

  • losing weight
  • exercising more
  • saving more/spending less
  • less time on social media
  • reading more
  • (fill in your own)

Lofty goals or resolutions or just small steps seem to have disappeared or have been neglected by Valentine's Day (if not sooner).

One way I've found to incorporate the values inherent in the resolutions is to take them one day at a time. Make minor changes every day that become habits. Write them down. Get an accountability partner. 

Most of all, make sure you have "buy-in," which means you must sincerely want them. Goals and resolutions must become part of the day-to-day thought process of your life. 

Hopefully, this helps. If not, there is always next year.


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