We are in the midst of a cold civil war in this country right now. Maybe just not our country either. Canada, Germany, France, England, and several other countries are battling internal conflict.
I believe the "plandemic" has been the triggering flashpoint or the gasoline on an already smoldering fire. There is a sharp divide among people and very little middle ground. The common denominator we share has shrunk to unrecognizable proportions.
Social media, traditional media, and political opportunists, to name a few, have exacerbated and exploited the situation. Divide and conquer is the enemies' tactic. But, unfortunately, we Christians know who that enemy is.
Nevertheless, we all take the bait and begin hating our neighbors from time to time instead of loving them. The glue of any society has traditionally been religion. But with few exceptions, humanism has destroyed the mortar that held the bricks of a culture together.
In rebuilding the modern tower of Babel, we have been the victim not of a confounded language but of a technology-based confusion of language. Cancel culture, gaslighting, and over moderating social media have created Orwellian "newspeak."
Before the shooting starts, we need to find a middle ground or bring on Armageddon.