Monday, January 17, 2022

The Mundays (Mondays).

 In the movie Office Space, they made jokes about the expression "A case of the Mundays (Mondays)."  The term was going around in the '90s when people had to return to the workplace, and on the first day back, you were not happy to be there, and you had a whole week to go before the weekend.

Mondays became synonymous with the blues. Well, I got up today with a case of the "Mondays." What's really weird is that I am semi-retired, so Mondays have no real meaning in the calendar anymore. But my internal biological clock is still counting Mondays as the first day back to the humdrum. 

So I fought semi-depression all day; after four and a half years of retirement from the workplace, I still got a case of the "Mundays." 

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