Monday, June 4, 2018

Next steps.

Well Its been a while since my last blog post. I am going to try to be more active.

I was called out of retirement to do some consulting for my old company. That and working at my business development role for an I.T. company I have been prey busy post retirement.

Since my blog started out journaling my work and career history I will add a paragraph or so.

In the late 70's a retail career was not the promising fast track it once was. Too much transitions and buyouts. You would climb the ladder then the company or store chain would sell or merger and one would be back at the bottom again.

I tried many things to move out but now in my early 30's the possibility of a new career seemed a daunting challenge. Back in those day's the 80's it was still old school, you started down a career path and you followed it for life. There wasn't a fork in the path so to speak. So I had to re-invent myself and that became the framework of how I want to move next in post retirement. I want to be a life coach.

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