Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Arbitrary time limits

Just today I felt rushed all day. Then I stepped back and realized there was nothing to be in a panic about. I was hurried and worried and for absolutely no good reason. I put arbitrary pressure on myself and press to get the most things accomplished. When in fact most things are not that urgent. Sure we can't plan for computer glitches, traffic jams, missing or late appointments, but we think we're in control.

Relax and realize we do sometimes feel the pressure of time, it is the one thing that is not renewable. But measured patience, proper planning,  and common sense will carry you a long way.

I found prayer to be the most efficient and effective way to start the day. Things will flow the way that they are. But God is in control and I am not. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

One more thought about Toastmasters

Our club in central Arlington is very diverse. This is great because when you have people from different cultures you learn how to speak and communicate cross-culturally, Our club is for English speakers, but you soon learn certain phrases and analogies don't translate well and sometimes carry a whole different meaning to someone who is not from your background and frame of reference.

Thoughts about worry

Worry is interest paid on trouble that hasn't been delivered yet. Worry is a form of lack of faith. If you can trust God on the big sthings don't sweat the small stuff.

Join a Toastmasters club near you

Toastmasters is a global organization. No matter where you are in the world there is a club near you. The benefits are well worth the small investment in time and money.


I can not overstate the value I think Toastmasters brings for almost every person. One of the most important skills in life is communication. Toastmasters hones those skills and give you the tools you need to effectively communicate. 

Monday, May 20, 2019

Good role models

We watched "To Kill a Mockingbird" last night. I have seen it and read the book lots of times. But from the perspective of being the consummate gentleman, Atticus Finch is a great role model. I don't like the way he lets his children call him by his first name. Atticus thought it was a sign of equality. But he didn't understand the biblical model of authority, The world doesn't get it either. That is another topic.  Just to listen to the dialog and communication he had with the children is a great study in and of itself.

As far as empathy and understanding go I highly recommend "Zen the Art of Motorcycle Maintainance". This book is fantastic on so many levels. Hint: it is not about Zen Buddhism or a handbook on motorcyclemaintanince.

A great lesson in leadership is Joshua Chamberlain in the movie, "Gettysburg". Jeff Daniels does a great job in the role. Matine Sheen plays Robert E. Lee and does a fine job in portraying how Lee who had temper issues controls himself. 

As far as sales and persuasion go two movies are a must watch.  "Door to Door" with William H. Macy is a must. He plays a true life story about Bill Porter who despite having cerebral palsy is successful in the door- to - door selling.

In the category of persistence, I  recommend  "The Pursuit of Happiness" another true-life story in which Will Smith portrays Chris Gardner who went from poverty to riches on guts and determination.

The last recommendation is "The  Legend of Bagger Vance," just a great movie on coaching.

Monday, May 13, 2019

The high cost of doing nothing

Most people are stuck with way too many choices today. So many in fact that they are overwhelmed and paralyzed. A great book on the subject is, "The Paradox of Choice", by Barry Schwartz. He subtitled the book, "why more is less'. The premise is that the more choices we have the less we are inclined to make decisions We are overwhelmed and eventually take no action at all or if forced to make a choice just. "roll the dice".

Today we are so bombarded with choices we fell like we are drowning in a sea of options. Even when we make a choice there are extra's, add-on's, options, and upgrades. The explosion of the internet since 2000 hasn't helped. In fact, it has exacerbated the problem. Choices are multiplying exponentially,

What to do? My advice is to simplify your life, Spend more time on your core values. Think about your priorities and write them down. Clarify and define your needs, wants, and desires. Know the difference.

May the choice be with you!!


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