Monday, May 13, 2019

The high cost of doing nothing

Most people are stuck with way too many choices today. So many in fact that they are overwhelmed and paralyzed. A great book on the subject is, "The Paradox of Choice", by Barry Schwartz. He subtitled the book, "why more is less'. The premise is that the more choices we have the less we are inclined to make decisions We are overwhelmed and eventually take no action at all or if forced to make a choice just. "roll the dice".

Today we are so bombarded with choices we fell like we are drowning in a sea of options. Even when we make a choice there are extra's, add-on's, options, and upgrades. The explosion of the internet since 2000 hasn't helped. In fact, it has exacerbated the problem. Choices are multiplying exponentially,

What to do? My advice is to simplify your life, Spend more time on your core values. Think about your priorities and write them down. Clarify and define your needs, wants, and desires. Know the difference.

May the choice be with you!!

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