Monday, March 9, 2020

Pandemics or panic attacks?

 My favorite line in the movie, "Men in Black" is when K is talking to J. "
 Jay: Why the big secret? People are smart. They can handle it.
- Kay: A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals, and you know it."

Well, if ever that is true, it's as accurate as an alien battlecruiser is ready to obliterate humanity as when we see in the real world today the panic over the Coronavirus.

Should we be worried yes, but the news media has gotten the average person so worked up, one would think we are on the eve of total annihilation.

Death is right around the corner for every one of us. We should put our trust in our Creator and read His revealed word to us in the Bible. Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Solid Rock.

Those that assign us, believers, to a group of superstitious rubes, had better check their world view.  I read the book and know how it ends.  Even if my end comes before the end of the world, I am ready.  You know what's coming death, and you better plan an exit strategy.

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