Monday, March 30, 2020

People who need people

The current social distancing and quarantine stay-at-home guidelines are creating a unique situation. We are, at least most of us,  are social creatures.  We are designed to be in community and interacting with one another. As technology has encroached on us, we seemed to get a little distant from each other. Downtown shopping was replaced by the mall, and the mall was replaced by home shopping.  A few brick and mortar places still are going, ie. Sam's, Walmart, etc. But they are usually not conducive to social interactions other than a brief greeting.

Local pubs, coffee houses, sports venues, and eateries pretty much were the only touchpoints we had.  The church was our only place for some of us. Now they are on hiatus. 

As much as video teleconferencing and the like can bridge the gap, it will never replace the human face-to-face interface.

We may come out of this needing to return to the meeting places and gathering spots even more than before. But we may find out we never liked people that close anyway. We'll see.

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