Monday, April 6, 2020

Who do you trust?

During this pandemic, people are looking for answers. At the same time, the distrust almost all the experts giving advice, assurance, and guidance.  Well, it seems like we are reaping what we sow.

The media is polarized and biased; they lost all credibility. The pharma industry has corrupted the practice of medicine. Academic laziness and bias have skewed science into a revolving door of contradictory malaise.

Religion is a potpourri of contradicting assertions, claims, and revelations. Public consensus and conventional wisdom have evaporated (if ever there was such as thing).

Countries and governments operate in their own political and selfish interests. The global organizations are more corrupt and disingenuous that the smallest local body of folks.

All this being said, I see a particular fear and anxiety under the veneer of most people. Yes, on the surface, they are calm and somewhat assured by underlining is a panic attack waiting to manifest itself. Drug and alcohol sales are skyrocketing. I am sure the escape routes for most people are already congested.

Are there real absolute true answers? I believe there are. I would like you to comment with yours first.

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