Monday, June 15, 2020

A house divided.

Abraham Lincoln gave a speech in 1858 in which he first utters these words about the United States,  "A house divided against itself cannot stand."  Lincoln's words would have been familiar to his audience as a statement by Jesus recorded in all three synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke). He was directly addressing the issue of the United States divide on slavery.

Some 160 years later, the U. S. could put a man on the moon and become the world's greatest superpower, and yet we are here in 2020 a house divided.  Maybe the grand experiment of our founding fathers has run its course. Only time will tell. I am becoming more pessimistic by the day.

 The media and politicians abandoned any interest in doing anything other than fanning the flames of division to gather groups to their side. Don't count on the churches and education to bring any neutrality. They are the root cause of the tribal divisions.

There used to be what Vice-President. Spiro Agnew referred to as the "silent majority" those in America who had no time for political causes. They were the ones who just went to work, raised their families, paid their taxes, and shut up. I wonder if there is the silent majority left.

If one spends time on social media, the polarization gets magnified. The silent majority doesn't usually waste time there.

Even Americans with masks and those without are at each others throats.

I am afraid that the situation is going to get worse before it gets better.
I look at history and see the Bolsivic and French Revolution's and I am afraid we have all the makings of that kind of collapse.

I can only hope that cooler heads prevail and peace can break out across our land.

Even "In God, We Trust" is a dividing issue. So short of Devine intervention, we are headed toward self-destruction.

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