Monday, July 6, 2020

On the brink.

When we get down to it, society is fundamentally changing. Everything from the COVID-19 to the civil unrest has just begun to make huge and lasting changes to the world we live in. Our plight as humans is can we cope and keep up.

We must learn to shift our paradigms without losing the bedrock fundamentals, which hold us together. A society of any size can only be established and maintained by a common core of values. The root word of culture is "cult."

As order fragments, chaos reigns for a while, but anarchy abhors a vacuum of leadership, and it isn't long before a tyranny evolves to establish order.

Climate change issues, famines, pandemics, racial division, and or economic collapses all are looming on the horizon if this situation is not addressed. It seems to me that if you have sovereign nations, nothing can solve international issues. 

We must look at this situation, and you tell me what course do you think the world will choose. The situation seems ripe for one-world governance.

Political concerns too easily manipulate the United Nations and organizations like the World Health Organization. The answer does lie in an all-powerful world leader promising peace. Hum, where have I read about that being predicted?

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