Monday, November 2, 2020

The Divided States of America

 On June 15, 2020, I wrote a post titled " A house divided" on this blog. I wrote about how our country was irrevocably divided. I am not a prophet, but Wednesday, November 4, 2020, you are going to see the great divide, no matter who wins. 

The is no culture in America that unites us anymore. We are fractured beyond all repair. The only reasonable way to sort this out is to form different countries. I don't think either side can live peaceably with each other anymore. 

We could have several ways to break up the U.S. and still not destroy ourselves. We can come to a more peaceful solution than what looks like on the horizon.  Walmart has already taken ammo off its shelves.

Let's not kid ourselves anymore.  Bipartisanship hasn't existed in decades. Neither side can bring us together, and there is not enough support for a middle coalition. Polarisation is way too deep for that. 

The next couple of months will prove if my thesis is true. 

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