Monday, April 25, 2022

Free speech or not?

Now that Elon musk bought Twitter, the progressives are going apoplectic.

When did we become afraid of free speech? I think I have a clue. I sold school books for 20 years. I must have attended 400 or so education conventions at various levels. There was a disturbing trend that I noticed during that time. That was the teachers' organizations began demonizing the religious right as censors of the worst kind. So they put out materials and weapons to fight the censorship they feared.

Hollywood was called upon to do the left's bidding, as it has become one of their house-organs. Remember the Field of Dreams scene where they engaged in a fight over Cather in the Rye being banned from the school library. But unfortunately, the media, the leftist lap-dog, also followed their marching orders and ran story after story of right-wing attempts to "burn books." 

In the meantime, when everyone was focused on the "censorship" issue, the education establishment was hell-bent on pushing "political correctness." P.C., which in effect is censorship, but when you paint yourselves as the sole defenders of free speech, you can turn around and do the opposite and deflect criticism. 

The educated, or more to the point, indoctrinated this generation of progressives who want to stifle and silence any speech they disapprove of hearing. Cancel culture was bred in the halls of academia and pushed down our throats by the willing servants they call "teachers" in the Public Schools. 

Gobles would be proud of the way they pulled this off. One book they didn't ban was Saul Alinsky's Handbook for Radicals. Instead, they used this as a how-to manual. 

Hey folks, let's make Orwells 1984 book fiction again! Then, maybe we can even get back to the days when you could actually agree with the 1rst and 14th Amendments to the constitution. 

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