Monday, May 16, 2022

Multitasking or task switching?

 Multitasking can be helpful if you can have a modicum of discipline. For instance, I can listen, absorb, and process what is being said while doing mindless tasks. Sometimes I even retain more. Because my cognitive function is not filtering with my critical filter activated. 

I can play computer games, listen to podcasts, etc., and function highly at both. But here agon, these tasks are complementary. Not counterproductive. Those tasks are executed using different parts of the brain simultaneously.

Multitasking causes trouble when you are trying so much to do multiple things, but when you are task switching using the same cognitive functions. This task switching problem is because the interference and reset parts of the brain lose optimum abilities when this happens. 

So let's keep multitasking and task switching as separate operations and see how we can navigate the overcrowded workspace in our brain. 

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