Monday, July 29, 2019

Book Recommendation

Shape Our Decisions by Dan Ariely. I am getting this one on audio so that I can listen to it at the gym. It analyzes why and how we make decisions. I am not going to do a book review (you can find them online by better reviewers than myself) but I will say this is a must-read.

We make decisions irrationally, no matter how much we think we are logical and intuitive. We are manipulated by other factors and forces that prevail against logic.

With the rapid increase in the pace that we have to make decisions and adjustments daily we must get a handle on this area,

The Apollo astronauts had to make split-second life or death decisions based on experience. That is what we offer at Your Office SOS virtual administration  services,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Virtual Office Assistance

If you are a small or independent business owner or a self-employed entrepreneur, we need to have a conversation. You are probably spending way too much time on specific details of your business, and that is holding you back. 

Ask your self these questions. 

Are you booking your travel? Are you handling your schedule and doing all your paperwork as well as responding to and sending out emails? Are you maintaining and updating your social media platform? How's your work-life to personal and family life going?  Is that area balanced? Do you ever get any time to "sharpen the saw"? Do you wish you could spend more time on the core of your business, your passion, the thing that you love, the reason you're doing what you do?

If you need help in finding the answers to these questions, call us at Your Office SOS. We have solutions that will free the things you can't ever replace; your life and your time. 

Just think how much happier and more productive you would be with a team of professionals to help free you up and assist you in meeting your goals and keeping you on track. 

Don't delay, call us today for a professional consultation.  Call now before your drift further down the path to a nervous breakdown or divorce. 

Call and schedule your one-on-one 214-564-9537 

Monday, July 15, 2019

Asking too many questions or too few

The way I was brought up was not to ask a lot of questions. Now I am a boomer and was raised and taught by WWII area veterans. Maybe they were instructed not to question much because, in war, a soldier doesn't question orders. That's one reason; perhaps it was a more straightforward area when things were simpler, and one was expected to "figure it out." A good example is found in the essay "Message to Garcia''' see it here: A Message To Garcia

I also was raised in an area without the internet, and access to the answers usually meant a long drawn out trip to the library.  Either that or ask someone and one couldn't be sure the info the imparted wad correct.

Maybe it's my gender. My wife, who was raised in the same era asks lots of questions. Sometimes I feel too many. But in her occupation as an administrative assistant, she had to ask lots of questions to make sure she was on the same page as the person to whom she was reporting. I was on my own most of my life, and in charge, so I was giving the directives. That may explain some as well.

Another factor was I was in transactional sales. We didn't need to take the consultive approach and ask questions.  We didn't have time to handle the objections that would bring up. We just pitched the product. Show up a throw-up approach,

Some whether it was nature or nurture, I need to learn to ask more questions. You know what assume stands for.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Golf and lessons in character

I have a sign on my golf bag the reads, "Golf doesn't build character; it reveals it." It does. Golf is a gentleman's game and should be played as such.  The rules are the rules. Sometimes you even call a penalty on yourself when no one is looking. It also exposes our temper and frustration to all who play with us. They say they call it "golf"  because all the other four letter cuss words were taken.

My point is this many other endeavors in life reveal character. Business dealings and family come to mind. Where emotion is high and investment (just not monetarily but also emotionally) are high.

Character is forged before the revealing of it. Forged in the small details and the most insignificant moments when only you and God are looking. It is formed in the recesses of your thoughts and will work its way out into your actions. Character is like a muscle it requires constant exercise and must be maintained daily.

You are the author of your life story and can write the script you choose.  Choose wisely. Your character is at stake.

Monday, July 1, 2019

My thoughts on networking groups

I have been actively networking for about a year and a half. I have attended on average 4-5 groups a week This first year as a sales rep for managed IT services — the last six months for Your Office SOS. I have had moderate success. Oh don't get me wrong I have made plenty of contacts, But the two businesses I mention require much time to find the right connections.

One great thing is the I went to a convention of small business owners in Dallas and had met about 10% of the attendees in my networking before the event,  There were thousands of folks there, so I knew I am planting good seed,

I have had numerous one-on-ones and helped many people along the way, so that is rewarding. I plan to blog further about my experience, and especially some do's and don't of effective networking.

Stay tuned!


A discovery call is a crucial opportunity to understand your client’s challenges, identify weak spots, and uncover potential time-wasters in...