Monday, July 8, 2019

Golf and lessons in character

I have a sign on my golf bag the reads, "Golf doesn't build character; it reveals it." It does. Golf is a gentleman's game and should be played as such.  The rules are the rules. Sometimes you even call a penalty on yourself when no one is looking. It also exposes our temper and frustration to all who play with us. They say they call it "golf"  because all the other four letter cuss words were taken.

My point is this many other endeavors in life reveal character. Business dealings and family come to mind. Where emotion is high and investment (just not monetarily but also emotionally) are high.

Character is forged before the revealing of it. Forged in the small details and the most insignificant moments when only you and God are looking. It is formed in the recesses of your thoughts and will work its way out into your actions. Character is like a muscle it requires constant exercise and must be maintained daily.

You are the author of your life story and can write the script you choose.  Choose wisely. Your character is at stake.

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