Monday, March 28, 2022

Keeping up with the smart stuff

Things are getting more complicated than ever—the complexity of dealing with technology and the rapid pace of its acceleration. Indeed, technology tools need to keep pace with the demands of our culture, but it seems like it's the other way around.

We have technology to manage technology. We have app's that manage app's. Now every tool and appliance in our home and workspace is connected to the internet. Artificial Intelligence and tracking programs feed us everything we need to know because they know where we go, what we buy, what we watch etc.

We freak out when the power goes out, or the internet is down. It feels like we have reprogrammed our life around our gadgets. Our almost total dependence on these things is scary and dangerous.

We certainly can not put the techno genie back in the bottle. So as we move forward, we will either keep up or get left behind.

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